Authors are invited to submit abstracts for presentations and posters discussing contribution to Climate Change Security in the maritime domain. Abstracts will be peer reviewed by the workshop programme committee, and may be selected either for a presentation at the workshop or a poster presentation. Authors of selected abstracts will be invited to submit a full paper (for workshop presentations) or an extended abstract (for posters) to be included in the workshop monography. All contributions should address public releasable or NATO UNCLASSIFIED material only. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that their contribution has received the necessary clearances before submission. Please allow sufficient time for the clearance to be issued before the deadline. 

Authors are invited to submit their contribution by 28 July 2023.


Abstracts should include:

  • the type of the proposed contribution (workshop presentation or poster presentation);
  • the nature of the work (basic research, applied research, concept study, experiment, policy analysis)
  • a title;
  • key words;
  • a statement of the relevance of the contribution for the workshop;
  • the full name of the principal author and co-authors with their respective affiliations and e-mail addresses.

The content portion of the abstract should not exceed 250 words and should fill a single A4 page including figures and references.

Authors will be notified no later than 18 August 2023.

Authors of selected contributions will be invited to submit a paper and to present their work during the workshop, in regular presentation sessions or as poster.