• Dr Ethan CORBIN – Sea Change: Current and Over-the-Horizon Impacts of Climate Change on Security
    Director, Defense and Security Committee, NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Brussels, Belgium

  • Ms Sherri GOODMAN – Threat Multiplier:  NATO Leadership on Climate Change and Maritime Security
    Secretary General, International Military Council on Climate & Security
    Former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense (Environmental Security)
    Senior Fellow, Polar Institute and Environmental Change & Security Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center


  • Lt Gen Richard NUGEEClimate Change implication for national security: the case of commercial navies and maritime trade
    United Kingdom Armed Force, Lieutenant General (Retired)
    Former Chief of Defence People, Former Ministry of Defence consultant for Climate Change Policy, United Kingdom


  • Prof Filippo GIORGI – Impact of Climate Change on the Earth’s hydrologic cycle
    Section Head, International Centre of Theoretical Physics (ICTP), governed by IAEA, Italy and UNESCO, Trieste, Italy

  • Prof Stefan RAHMSTORF –  Sea Level Rise and AMOC tipping points
    Co-Head of Research Department on Earth System Analysis of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and Professor of Physics of the Oceans at the University of Potsdam, Germany