CC&SW Agenda

Tuesday, 03 October  2023


Welcome Remarks, Logistics and Agenda

Sandro Carniel (NATO STO-CMRE), Aniello Russo (NATO STO-CMRE), Catherine Warner (NATO STO-CMRE), Luca Baione (Italian Air Force)


Scientific Keynote (remote)

Impact of Climate Change on the Earth’s Hydrologic Cycle

Filippo Giorgi (Sectione Head, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, governed by UNESCO, Italy, IAEA)


Climate Predictions and their Applications in the Mediterranean Region 

Silvio Gualdi (Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change – CMCC)


Coffee Break


Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S): From Data to Actionable Climate Information 

Chiara Cagnazzo (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts), Carlo Buontempo


Poster Pitches

Climate Change and Security Threats in the Arctic Ocean: Assessing the Functioning of the Arctic Council
Özgenur Aktan (Galatasaray University & Turkish National Defence University)

Improving Copernicus Forecasts of Arctic Sea Ice and Icebergs with the ACCIBERG Project
Laurent Bertino
(Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center), Catherine Downy, Thomas Lavergne, Steffen Tietsche, Andrea Storto

Future Changes in Wave Climate in the Mediterranean and High North Seas Under Naval Operations’ Perspective
Giovanni Besio (Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Genoa), Andrea Lira Loarca, Aniello Russo, Sandro Carniel, Michele Bolla Pittaluga

Geo-Hazard of  Cyclone-Induced Turbidity Currents on Critical Underwater Infrastructures
Michele Bolla Pittaluga
(Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Genoa), G. Porcile, C. Pirmez, O. Sequeiros, A. Frascati

Using Climate Ensembles to Detect Present Signs of Future Climate: The Case of the 2022 Drought on the Po Valley
Davide Bonaldo
(National Research Council, Institute of Marine Science – CNR-ISMAR), Debora Bellafiore, Christian Ferrarin, Rossella Ferretti, Antonio Ricchi, Lorenzo Sangelantoni, Maria Letizia Vitelletti

Climate Change Denialism as a Value-Based Problem
Hagen Braun
(German Aerospace Center – DLR), Lukas Albrecht

Security of Mediterranean Coastal Areas under Future Inundation Scenarios
Sergio Cappucci, Adriana Carrillo, Roberto Iacono, Lorenzo Moretti, Massimiliano Palma, Alessandro Peloso, Gaia Richini, Gianmaria Sannino (National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development – ENEA)

Interdisciplinary Talent Generation for Climate Governance and Security: A Program Overview from Canada
Bruno Charbonneau
(Royal Military College Saint-Jean), Alexandre Giguere

Path-loss Analysis in Anomalous Electromagnetic Propagation Conditions Over Oceans Induced by Climate Change: Preliminary Results
Alessio Di Simone (University of Naples Federico II, NATO STO-CMRE), Cosimo Enrico Carniel, Walter Fuscaldo, Leonardo Maria Millefiori, Paolo Braca, Aniello Russo, Sandro Carniel, Lakshmi Kantha 

On the Triggering of the Atlantic Niño: Southern Versus Western Forcing
Gian Luca Eusebi Borzelli
(Center for Remote Sensing of the Earth – CERSE, NATO STO-CMRE), Cosimo Enrico Carniel, Fabio Lissi, Aniello Russo, Sandro Carniel

Designing the Communication Infrastructure of a Surveillance Robotic Network: a Data-driven Approach Against Environmental Variability
Tommaso Fabbri (NATO STO-CMRE), Joanna Piasek Skupna, Alessandra Tesei, Aniello Russo, Robert Been, Sandro Carniel, Gabriele Ferri

Safeguarding Maritime Critical Infrastructure: A Model-Driven Approach for Safety and Security of Offshore Wind Farms in the German North and Baltic Seas
Alexander Gabriel, Carl Phillipp Wrede, Frank Sill Torres, Babette Tecklenburg, Bartosz Skobiej (German Aerospace Center – DLR)

Connecting Atlantic and Arctic Oceans with Challenges for Maritime Security Placing Portugal in the Arctic
Céline Goncalves Rodrigues
(Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

Security Threats Posed by Climate Change Misinformation and Disinformation Campaigns: Implications for Military Security and the Extended Maritime Ecosystem
Anton Holland
(NIVA Inc.), Sean Young-Steinberg

Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Underwater Acoustic Signal Transmission Loss: A Simulation Analysis
Alex Kondi
(NATO STO-CMRE), Konstantinos Pelekanakis, Aniello Russo, Sandro Carniel

Environmental Research Towards Climate Change and Security in South America
Christopher Thomas Konek (Office of Naval Research Global)

Security Challenges from Climate Change in the Arctic Maritime Domain and Priorities for the Application of NATO’s Climate Change and Security Action Plan
Fabio Lissi
(NATO STO-CMRE), Pauline Baudu

Climate Change, Arctic Security and Future Operations (CLIMARCSEC): A Multinational Capabilities Development Campaign (MCDC) Project
Maria Emanuela Mihailov, Tobias Etzold (Norwegian Institute of International Affairs), Will D. Spoon, Albert Chan

On the Impact of Climate Change on Sonar Performance
Victor Oppeneer
(TNO, Acoustics and Sonar Department), Aniello Russo, Giacomo Giorli, Robbert Van Vossen

Climate-change Induced Sea Level Rise and Coastal Floods in Northern Adriatic – Past Observations, Future Projections and Deep Learning Coastal Flood Modeling.
Marko Rus, Matjaz Licer (Slovenian Environment Agency), Matej Kristan

Studying Future Changes in Sonar Performance in Areas of NATO interest
Aniello Russo
(NATO STO-CMRE), Andrea Lira Loarca, Christopher Strode, Sandro Carniel

US Navy Decarbonization Research Consortium
M. Spector (Office of Navale Research Arlington), Kristen Fletcher, Bill Muras, Cayle Bradley

On the Vulnerability of NATO Installations to Climate Variability and Change: A System-Level Perspective
Gabriele Villarini (Princeton University), Sandro Carniel, Taereem Kim, Hanbeen Kim, Aniello Russo

Quantifying the Impact of Climate Nonstationarity on Military Infrastructure Resilience
Julia Zimmerman
(USA Army ERDC), Cassandra Everett, Gaurav Savant




Political Keynote

Current and Over-the-Horizon Impacts of Climate Change on Security

Ethan Corbin (Defense and Security Committee, NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Belgium)


Canada’s National and International Programme on Climate Change and Security

Albert Chan, John Osler (Defence Research and Development Canada), Cathy Boscarino, Sean Pecknold


Coffee Break


CMRE’s Climate Change and Security Programme

Sandro Carniel (NATO STO-CMRE)


A Systems Thinking Approach Addressing the Impact of Climate Change on Naval Defence Operations

Titia Alexandra Kuipers (TNO, Acoustics and Sonar Department), Rob Van Waas


Future Geopolitics of Multipolar World and their Impact on Maritime Operations

Michael Franken (United States Navy – retired)


Closing Remarks



 Poster Session and Icebreaker

Wednesday, 04 October  2023


Welcome Remarks, Agenda Update



Scientific Keynote

Germany Sea Level Rise and AMOC Tipping Points.

Stefan Rahmstorf (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research – PIK and University of Potsdam)


Nature-Based Infrastructure for Coastal Erosion: a Dual-impact Technology?

Giovanni Fusina (Defence Research and Development Canada – Centre for Security Science), Enda Murphy, Jeffrey King


Coffee Break


Climate Change, Energy Transition and New Challenges Related to Enhanced Maritime Situational Awareness to Protect Critical Undersea Infrastructure.

Richard Brewin, Rene Heise (NATO’s Emerging Security Challenges Division)


Safeguarding Maritime Critical Infrastructure: A Model-driven Approach for Safety and Security of Offshore Wind Farms in the German North and Baltic Seas

Carl Philipp Wrede (German Aerospace Center – DLR – Institute for the Protection of Maritime Infrastructures), Alexander Gabriel, Konstantinos Tsetsos, Frank Sill Torres




Political Keynote

Threat Multiplier:  NATO Leadership on Climate Change and Maritime Security

Sherri Goodman (International Military Council on Climate & Security, Polar Institute and Environmental Change & Security Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center, U.S. Secretary of State’s International Security Advisory Board)


Panel session 1: Climate Change & Security Research Trends

Identifying Key Research Topics to be Investigated About Security Implications of Climate Change in the Maritime Domain

Ethan Corbin, Richard Brewin, Rene Heise, Sandro Carniel, Stefan Rahmstorf, Silvio Gualdi, Sherri Goodman, Richard Nugee


Coffee Break


NATO Capability Development in a Changing Climate

Louise Selisny (University of Oxford and Climate Change & (In)security Project)


Increasing Climate Literacy to Meet Climate Security Demands (remote)

Kristen Fletcher (Naval Postgraduate School), Rebecca Grippo, Marina Lesse


Panel session 2: Climate Change & Security Education

Climate Change & Security Higher Educational Path

Bruno Charbonneau, John Osler, Kristen Fletcher, Aniello Russo


Closing remarks





Gala Dinner (no host)

Thursday, 05 October  2023


Welcome Remarks, Agenda Update



Military Keynote

Climate Change Implication for National Security: the Case of Commercial Navies and Maritime Trade.

Richard Nugee (United Kingdom Ministry of Defence Non-Executive Director for Climate Change and Sustainability, and the Climate Change & (In)security Project)


Alternative Future Visions for NATO Maritime Operational Energy & Power

Francis Griffiths (Royal Navy Develop Directorate Platform Capability Sponsor), Lisa Hammock, Andrew Tate


Coffee Break


Scenario-building, AI, and Decision-making in the Arctic under Climate Change Conditions.  

Bruno Charbonneau (Royal Military College Saint-Jean), Pauline Baudu, Alexandre Giguère


How Climate Change Can Worsen Security Dilemmas in the Norwegian High North

Marius Nyquist Pedersen (Norwegian Defence Research Establishment – FFI), Bjør Olav Knusten


Climate Securitization or Arctic Militarization – The Best Way to Preserve NATO’s Strategic Dominance in the Arctic 

Vismay Hemal Buch (University of Toronto)


Closing Remarks and Way Forward

Bryan Wells (NATO STO-OCS), Sandro Carniel (NATO STO-CMRE)


 Workshop Ends